The most transformative health and well-being experience of my life

“As far back as my late 30’s I had problems with my back and digestive system. By age 55 my 3rd lumbar was worn away on the right side, the disc was herniated to the point that I was in almost constant pain. I had also been hospitalized twice with stomach bleeds. In short, I was a mess. After attending a seminar with Dr. Don, I became a regular patient, began learning as much as I could about the unique process he employs and began following his instructions as closely as I possibly could. I started seeing dramatic improvement in both my back and digestive system within a matter of months. Now, after about 10 years as his patient I am well past the acute phase of my recovery and into “maintenance mode“. Now at age 67:
- My spine is almost totally straight and I am completely pain-free about 95% of the time – first time since my 30’s
- I have almost full range of motion with correct posture and balance – I can lay flat on the floor – I sleep GREAT
- I now am able to do a full body work out using a universal weight machine every other day and can carry over 70#
- I now bicycle or walk 5 miles on the alternate days and dance with my wife about 6 hours every weekend
- My digestive system is back to normal through the use of simple natural alkalizers recommended by Dr. Don.
I have referred 5 family members to Dr. Don Williams. We have ALL gotten help with: chronic pain, IBS, digestive issues, rotator cuff injury, Post Concussion Depression. I can’t say enough about his honesty, care and integrity. I will keep going back (if needed).
Overall my health and well-being have improved to a point that I actually feel better than I did in my 30’s before all of these problems began. It is amazing to look back and realize that at one point I was actually preparing myself for life of walking with a cane.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that from a health and wellness point of view Dr. Don Williams is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I HIGHLY recommend him to anyone and hope that his talents and abilities continue to bring health and happiness to as many folks as possible.
Please do not give up on your health. Dr. Don taught that my body is self-healing. But I needed to learn how to get out of my own way and allow it to do so. It takes time, but in my case, the effort was well worth it.” -Mike D.
Profound Shift
I wanted to thank you so much for your healing energy and your presence and all the work that you’ve done to get to the place where you are, where you’re so intuitive. When I left your office I was still limping and my knee didn’t feel so great, but by the next morning the pain had disappeared and my whole body was so relaxed. The work that you had done was so profound that it really shifted my whole system. I just wanted to say thank you for being a part of that miracle of healing that took place in my body. – P.G.
New Possibilities
The next day after my treatment with regard to (the emotions of) Trust, Gratified, and Perfection, I got a call from a man I’d never met, letting me know about a meeting (on the subject of the work I do). We talked for 3 ½ hours!!! We met briefly the next morning at the meeting, and have been in intense correspondence and connection ever since. Today is our 2-week “anniversary”. I am grateful for the part your work has played in my transformation. Thank you!!! – B.C.
No neck pain from whiplash
I wanted to thank you for helping me have NO neck pain from whiplash. I thought I might have it for the rest of my life, but no! Thank you again for your healing work. –T.
Completely Recovered
I had chronic debilitating right arm pain for two years persistently and 15 years off and on. I tried physical therapy, yoga, and various supplements for inflammation. After working with Dr. Don, my arm is completely recovered now ( for several years) and what’s more, many other nagging “arthritic” pains are gone ( neck, knees, hands). Perhaps even more significantly, I always feel lighter and freer after a session with Dr. Don. The forgiveness work that I have done with him has transformed my life. BEST is a legitimate technique for reducing and removing the emotional triggers for pain, illness and injury and in Dr. Don’s hands, it is not a technique, but an art. –R.B.
Treatment for Animals
My cat, Sylvia, was dying of kidney failure. Dr. Don treated her to reduce pain and ease her way. It was quite apparent that Dr. Don’s treatments brought great ease and comfort to Sylvia. I always think of the look of deep gratitude Sylvia would give to Dr. Don the minute he placed his hands on her . -R.B.
Feeling Good!
When I feel balanced and good, it’s amazing. I feel like that now. I thank you for helping me out. I am persistent in this endeavor. K.G.
Confidence in the B.E.S.T. System
I began to receive treatments when I was pregnant with my daughter. I had some old injuries that were aggravated by the usual aches and pains associated with pregnancy. The treatments were non-invasive and effective and he had a treatment pad that enabled me to lay on my stomach even at 9 months which was a wonderful thing all by itself. I have a lot of confidence in the B.E.S.T. system that he uses and feel that he is an exemplary practitioner in this healing art. Now he treats my whole family and we are always happy with our results.-R.P.
What Is Important When Choosing A Health Care Provider
Someone who cares about me and their clients as much as Dr. Don and his entire staff do! R.M.
Less Pain
Dr. Don told me last time to listen to heart as well as head in planning my new career. This helped me a lot. Thanks! Also, doing the Morter system diet and supplements has lessened inflammation in my body so the pain is less for the arthritis and stenosis. R.A.
That’s What I look For In A Health Care Provider
I swear, if it had not been for your healing abilities over these past several years (six?!), I might not be alive. The B.E.S.T. method combined with your intuitive healing continue to benefit and astound me. I’ve had my share of challenges and with each clinical visit I’m just blown away at how you can pinpoint and release the blockages to my body’s natural ability to heal. Now THAT’S what I look for in a health care provider! S.P.
Dr. Don has had a profoundly positive impact on my diet. I now look at food in a pH balance way. Does it leave acid ash or alkali ash? I have lost weight which I needed to lose because of this healthy way of determining what I eat and drink.
He also helped me with forgiveness issues I carried around like old luggage. I trust him. He is a healing angel. A.S.
So Much Wisdom
Doctor Don has so much wisdom and everyday practices that maintain overall health, vitality and wellness. His approach helps you tune into your own power to change your limited reality and embrace new and broader possibilities! I really appreciate everything he has done for me and I hope that one day I will have the honor of following in his footsteps by helping heal themselves! F.C.
The combination of the B.E.S.T. technique and Dr. Don is a blessing to the planet. J.M.
Too Numerable to Count
The benefits I have received from Dr. Don’s care over the years are to numerable to count. He also embodies all that I am looking for in a health care provider; someone who listens to me and what I am experiencing, someone who talks to me…as a competent educated adult and explains what he finds with me, someone who is knowledgeable about a variety of areas so he can offer a number of things to help improve my quality of life, someone who is kind, patient and friendly, someone who takes the time to be with me without my feeling like he has to rush off to the next person, and a kind and friendly staff. I wish all my doctors were like Dr. Don!!!! S.D.
Big Wowee
Hey Dr. Don,
As you know, my left neck and shoulder have been painful and restricted. This morning I did the stretch where I lay on my right side, left side of body up. I moved my left arm behind me and it wasn’t going low behind me, just sticking straight out. It got painful, I held the stretch and then let it go from the front of my shoulder to the middle of my upper arm. With a big “popping” sound it felt like my arm lowered 6 feet!!!!! MAJOR RELEASE.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping getting to this point! xoxoxox—K.G.
Forget all your concepts of chiropractic. Instead of just treating symptoms by adjusting the spine, this system gets to the root cause of the problem. It is very powerful. Dr. Williams is incredibly intuitive and sensitive. He has “fixed” me more times than I can count.—J.S.
Back Pain
Dr. Don, Ohmigosh! You said my back would be better by this morning and it was a LOT better. I sat, I walked, I sat, I walked….all day long. My back is absolutely fine! I want to thank you soooo much for getting it straightened out!—-E.R.
Sinus Problems
After years of struggling with this sinus problem-and numerous procedures-it seems that your two gentle and loving treatments have dislodged its tenacious hold. Thank you, thank you, thank you—K.M.
Breast Cancer
If you listen to your body, if you believe that your body has the ability to heal itself, Dr. Don is the best guide I know of to aid in the process of discovery and healing. He was my guide through breast cancer. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better.—J.M.
Herniated Disc
About 8 years ago I herniated a disc in my lower back. I went to my chiropractor who brought some relief and suggested a surgeon. Being in terrible pain, I saw a surgeon who recommended an operation. I hoped for relief from Chinese medicine, but found myself taking Advil. After six months I realized that Advil was a cover, not a cure. I was led to Dr. Don and the rest is history. Dr. Don works with the physical and emotional causes of my pain and discomfort. I’m nearing 70, expect a lot out of this body, and he keeps me fine tuned. I’m forever grateful!—J.L.
Automobile Accident & Pregnancy
After my car was rear-ended, he helped me restore and improve my body’s health. In the process, he helped bring me into balance on all levels to prepare my body for conception. Throughout my pregnancy we have kept my energy clear on all levels, body, mind, emotions and spirit. I have had the most wonderful and easy pregnancy.—A.S.
True Healing
Dr. Don is a healer who connects to the healer within each one of his patients, the two working together bring forth true healing.—A.R.
Return to Wellness
Dr. Don’s energy is that of a joyful healer. He helped me learn how to bring wellness back into my life. I have been able to use what he has taught me as a springboard for more well-being in my life.
Life Transformation
Working with Dr. Don has changed my life in a profound way.—M.H.
Immediate Pain Relief
My first visit to Dr. Don was triggered by an excruciating lower back pain that would not allow me to bend over to tie my shoes. At the end of my first hour of treatment, I freely bent over, tied my shoes, and walked out pain free. Now my on going monthly maintenance under his deeply intuitive care, keeps my body limber and pain free!— R.M.