Row Row Row Your Boat in Depth with Dr Don

Row Row Row means you are going to have to do something. You don’t just row, you work at it. This is not a one shot deal; you’re going to have to DO something consistently. Row “YOUR” boat, meaning don’t worry about anyone else’s boat, worry about your boat. We are constantly worrying about other people’s boats instead of our own, like controlling someone else’s life.

How are you going to do this? This is the key! “Gently” down the stream. Don’t be vigorously trying to go up stream and against the natural flow. Go “Gently” down the stream. We don’t do anything gently; we typically go against most things in life, working against ourselves. “Gently” down the stream which means you’re in flow with the universe because everything that is Godly simply flows; it cannot be forced. Remember force creates resistance.

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily… Be happy, this is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing. We get one shot in this lifetime, so make it an enjoyable journey. It says Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, not grudgingly, grudgingly, grudgingly, grudgingly don’t waste time being upset and angry, enjoy your life.

Life is but a Dream… ok so if this is the case why are you making it such a nightmare? We do, because we’re not enjoying it. We just want to  get it over with; don’t fight the current; if you do it will wear you out, and then life becomes a major stress.

Our life should be viewed as moving “Gently down the stream”, we are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Be Happy! Make it a Great day!

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