
Systemic inflammation is the major condition underlying all types of Arthritis, and other associated musculo-skeletal disorders. Other causal factors are trauma and structural imbalance.

Of all these factors, systemic inflammation, when addressed at its root cause, can actually lead to healing and regeneration of the arthritic condition. In terms of diet, acidity (improper pH) equals inflammation. It is vital to revise the diet so that it contains 75% alkaline ash forming foods (vegetables and fruits) and 25% acid ash forming foods (meats and grains). Also good quality fats and oils, which are neutral in pH help to keep the body lubricated. Though this may sound like a tall order there are actually some simple ways to alkalize your diet while enjoying many of the foods you love. Since the body operates at peak function within a rather narrow range of pH, alkalizing your diet is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. It will remedy a host of imbalances and disorders, including arthritis.

Another important factor contributing to arthritis is imbalances of the digestive system, such as low digestive function (hypo acidity of digestive secretions), malabsorption, and leaky gut. When food is improperly digested, when nutrients are not absorbed, when improperly digested food particles actually leak out of the gut, every cell is deprived of proper nutrition and is bathed in toxic byproducts, creating an allergic response. An alkaline diet is needed to put out the “fire” of inflammation.

Inadequate water intake can also contribute to inflammation and a buildup of toxins in the body. Dehydration causes generalized muscle weakness and hardening of tissues such as cartilage and spinal discs.

Some of the most complex degenerative conditions of the musculo-skeletal system (including chronic muscle tension and imbalance, and painful joint dysfunction) come from relentless stress which exhausts the adrenals and depletes the immune system so that it can no longer defend the body. This leads to an autoimmune response which is the basis of some of the more distressing forms of degeneration.

One of the most significant but overlooked forms of stress comes from Subconscious Emotional Memory Override (SEMO), an insidious condition in which unresolved emotions, memories and traumas form energy blocks in the subconscious mind and the nervous system. These blocks are powerful enough to “highjack” the nervous system and cause it to become stuck in survival mode (flight, fight or freeze). The adrenals become exhausted trying to defend the individual from these “threats” that are no longer in present time. As a result immune function becomes depleted and hormonal imbalances develop, such as prolonged cortisol secretion, which is also pro-inflammatory.

Dr. Don uses the BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique, a gentle touch form of healing, to identify and remove these interferences from where they are stored in the nervous system and limbic brain. He also works with you to reduce systemic inflammation, offers counseling on alkalizing your diet, and applying the Six Essentials of a Healthy Lifestyle, to begin the process of moving from degeneration to regeneration.

To schedule an appointment call Dr. Don Williams at (530) 205-9037.