What is Consciousness? What is the Soul? What is Spirit? What do these metaphysical concepts have to do with health and healing?

Briefly, Consciousness is Awareness without the process of thinking. Spirit is All That Is: it is empty, yet full of information. The Soul is our individual container, expressing Spirit, or hijacked by Ego.

Conventional science and medicine view the body as pure matter, sheer physicality. The conventional viewpoint holds that the body is incapable of healing itself, and that healing is something external to the body, supplied as medication or surgery. The wholistic view of healing integrates Life Energy (bio-energy) into the equation. Bio-Energetics includes Consciousness, Spirit and Soul. Wholism knows that the body’s original design and purpose is to heal itself. The body responds to signals from the nervous system without thought or judgement. It always responds perfectly and will express the original blueprint or interference from unresolved issues from the past stored in memory, interfering with the body’s ability to self-repair and respond to the moment.

Mind is an energetic phenomenon, like the body, and uses the nervous system to sustain itself. Our conscious mind consists of thoughts, chatter, stories, reason and intellect. It supports the ego, the false self, and it is the gatekeeper to our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not judge, reason or evaluate. It simply runs the Body without our conscious knowing or will. It responds to feelings, pictures (stuck bits of memory, emotion and/or trauma). Out of this buried and forgotten material, the subconscious creates interference (frozen energy blocks) in the nervous system and limbic brain.

The unawakened ego (with its limiting thought forms and belief systems based on past trauma), creates judgments, which lead to an experience of separation. A feeling of separation from others and from All That Is, leads to an unrelenting fear.  Chronic fear, a constant state of flight or fight, leads to adrenal exhaustion. The outcome is illness — myriad forms of illness.

The body is run on automatic by the subconscious mind, which responds to thoughts (positive and negative) and feelings (such as fear or gratitude). It will store negative and traumatic memories (thought/feeling clusters) as crystallized interference or blocks in the nervous system and limbic brain. This process is called Subconscious Emotional Memory Override (SEMO). Once this interference has been set up, healing is severely limited despite your diligent efforts to improve your condition.

Fortunately, the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique is the perfect tool for locating and removing these energetic interferences, gently and easily. Once these energy blocks have been found and released, the subconscious can become a clear conduit of Spirit, and no longer interferes with the body’s ability to heal itself. Once we are clear, we can respond authentically to the moment without creating any new interference. The result is a vibrant, fulfilled life.

The key is to bring awareness to our habitual beliefs and thought forms. The blessing of awareness is that once we awaken in spirit, we become a vehicle of consciousness and Spirit, no longer creating from stored negative subconscious thoughts and feelings as ego.

At the deepest level, we all share the same goal or life purpose: to become fully present and aware in each moment. This is the deeper level of BEST treatment in Dr. Morter’s vision: to realign soul with spirit by removing the interference caused by unresolved traumas and dramas from the past stored in memory in our bodies.

To schedule a session, call Dr. Don Williams at (530) 205-9037.