The digestive system is vital to the proper functioning of every single system and structure of the human body.

The nervous system is responsible for directing each stage of digestion, absorption and elimination. As soon as the food enters the mouth, the nervous system triggers the production of digestive enzymes in the saliva—hence the importance of chewing each mouthful well so that the food can mix thoroughly with the saliva.

As the food moves through the digestive system, it is the nervous system that determines the proper sequence of secretions, from the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and the secretion of pancreatic and gallbladder enzymes into the small intestines, to the triggering of elimination at the end of the journey.

Of course, a proper alkalizing diet which supports healthy probiotic organisms in the intestines is very important. Without a healthy balance of the proper flora in the gut, the absorption of the proper nutrients through the villi of the small intestines cannot be accomplished, and toxicity occurs.

Most important of all, the nervous system must be clear of all interference to its delicate job of stimulating each digestive organ to function optimally. This is where SEMO (Subconscious Emotional Memory Override) comes into play. In this condition, unresolved thoughts, emotions, and memories from the past are stored as energy blocks or “interferences” in the nervous system. These blocks cause the nervous system to become stuck in “flight or fight” mode, creating a constant stress reaction in the body. The digestive system is particularly vulnerable to this “survival stress”, because the timing of its proper functioning is so delicate and intricate. I am sure we have all experienced how sensitive our digestion is to our emotions.

When SEMO is present, you can eat the perfect diet, but without strong, proper functioning of your digestive system, you will not absorb the full value of your food. You truly become what you absorb. When you do not absorb properly, you open the door to all sorts of digestive disorders—from food allergies to heartburn to irritable bowel to “leaky gut” syndrome and a host of other digestive complaints. And since the healthy functioning of the whole body depends on the digestion, you may well be opening the door to a myriad of other illnesses. A healthy digestive system is so important for the protection of the body’s overall vitality that it is called “the second immune system.”

Fortunately, there is a gentle, effective procedure for clearing SEMO—the nervous/emotional interferences which contribute to impaired digestive function. That procedure is called The Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique. In my over 30 years of practice I have seen digestive impairment respond amazingly well to B.E.S.T. treatments, coupled with improving the digestive process itself.

An important step in rebuilding a troubled digestive system is to bring the diet into an optimal pH (acid/alkaline) range for digestion, absorption and cell nutrition. Consumption of vital, living foods; the proper ratio of raw/cooked food; proper hydration; sufficient fiber; probiotic intake; the importance of trace minerals; supplementation when appropriate; the use of “power foods” such as sprouts and sea vegetables; juicing—all these practices will help build a vital digestive system. As part of my treatments I offer coaching on healthy diet and lifestyle practices and utilize BEST to clear interference from the nervous system.

So, before you pop another antacid, consider what is truly B.E.S.T. for you. To schedule an appointment, call Dr. Don at (530) 205-9037.