Non-Physical Sensory Systems


The nervous system is just the most physical communication system of the body but it’s not the only communication system of the body. Have you ever had someone walk up behind you and feel it before you saw him or her? You weren’t aware of them with your 5 senses, so what was it? Energy. You were feeling energy. We have these non-physical sensory systems that allow us to be aware of what is going on in our environment.




Our bodies are an expression of our subconscious mind. Illness is one of the few ways our subconscious mind can get our attention. The subconscious mind responds perfectly but we create interference, we create overlays, which create distortions. So our bodies are responding perfectly to either the original blueprint or interference.


The Subconscious Mind

It’s the subconscious mind that runs our body and it runs it without thought. Innate intelligence, the inborn wisdom that runs our body, directs the life force that flows through the nervous system, guiding and directing appropriately for one purpose and one purpose only. Our bodies are not built to be healthy but not built to be sick either. If that’s the case, what are our bodies built for? Survival. It survives the best it possibly can given the choices we have made in our lifestyles and the inner and outer environments we have either created or put ourselves into. So whatever is going on in our bodies right now, whether we are perfectly healthy or have some serious illness, is perfect; it’s perfect for whatever caused that response. The body is a perfect stimulus response organism. Therefore we need to change the stimulus, in order to change the response.


The Power of Thoughts and Feelings

I work with my patients on wellness and lifestyle choices which we like to call the 6 essentials: what and how we eat, drink, breathe, exercise, rest, and think. The important thing to remember is that, out of those 6 essentials, our thoughts and feelings have a more powerful effect on our body’s function than all the other 5 combined. That’s not to minimize the importance of eating right, drinking proper fluids, getting the rest and exercise you need, and breathing good air. But it is important to recognize that our thoughts have the most powerful influence on our health. As a society we understand more about the other lifestyle choices and influences on health but we’re just now starting to scratch the surface about how the mind and emotions stimulate changes in the nervous system and changes in the physiology of the body.

Limiting Beliefs

Most of our limiting beliefs are established by the time we’re two years old, and become blocks of interference in our nervous system and subconscious energy field. We continually attract from this subconscious interference, despite our best conscious efforts. This is the Secret behind the Secret: unconscious beliefs interfere with conscious manifestation.

A Universe of Energy

We live in a universe of energy in which everything has frequency or resonance. In general, high frequency equates with health and happiness, low frequency equates with disease and depression. Since we all experience both negative and positive frequencies, the key is to notice what is going on, and accept it as that which we have attracted to ourselves. Once we accept responsibility, without guilt and shame, we can begin to release our attachment and resistance to our negative patterns of attraction, and allow our lives to flow without interference.

Taking Care

We know if we plant a seed we have to care for it properly, we have to give it the right nutrients, and water, and air, and sunlight. How come we don’t apply that to our bodies?

Row Row Row Your Boat in Depth with Dr Don

Row Row Row Your Boat in Depth with Dr Don

Row Row Row means you are going to have to do something. You don’t just row, you work at it. This is not a one shot deal; you’re going to have to DO something consistently. Row “YOUR” boat, meaning don’t worry about anyone else’s boat, worry about your boat. We are constantly worrying about other people’s boats instead of our own, like controlling someone else’s life.

How are you going to do this? This is the key! “Gently” down the stream. Don’t be vigorously trying to go up stream and against the natural flow. Go “Gently” down the stream. We don’t do anything gently; we typically go against most things in life, working against ourselves. “Gently” down the stream which means you’re in flow with the universe because everything that is Godly simply flows; it cannot be forced. Remember force creates resistance.

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily… Be happy, this is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing. We get one shot in this lifetime, so make it an enjoyable journey. It says Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, not grudgingly, grudgingly, grudgingly, grudgingly don’t waste time being upset and angry, enjoy your life.

Life is but a Dream… ok so if this is the case why are you making it such a nightmare? We do, because we’re not enjoying it. We just want to  get it over with; don’t fight the current; if you do it will wear you out, and then life becomes a major stress.

Our life should be viewed as moving “Gently down the stream”, we are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Be Happy! Make it a Great day!

For printable PDF click Row Row Row Your Boat


Staying Healthy Through the Holidays


Staying Healthy Through the Holidays

The holidays bring wonderful opportunities for celebration, warmth, generosity and love, and they also bring opportunities for stress, both emotional and physical. Eating rich foods, extra sweets and consuming more alcohol, along with neglecting exercise and daily healthful routines, such as meditation, can create the conditions for inflammation, imbalance and disease in the body. Busyness, family issues, loneliness, and the feeling of obligation are among the emotional factors that can create stress around the holidays. When the physical and emotional stresses are combined, the body can become much more susceptible to pain and ill health.

Therefore, supporting the body, mind, heart and soul through the holidays is especially important, so that we can enjoy this time and stay healthy.

The holidays often bring up unresolved emotions from the past—either because we are around family members that trigger these emotions, or because of memories and associations with the holidays. In the B.E.S.T. system, we refer to these unresolved emotions as SEMO (Subconscious Emotional Memory Override). What that means is that even though you may consciously feel you are relaxed, your body is stuck in “fight or flight,” creating muscle tension, anxiety, depression, poor digestion and a host of health issues.

Even though you are making good lifestyle choices (through healthy eating, good sleep, drinking plenty of water, deep breathing, and getting good exercise), these SEMOs have a more powerful negative impact on the body than all the other factors combined.

So, in order to stay healthy and happy through the holidays, regular B.E.S.T. treatments are highly recommended to keep your body-mind resilient and balanced through these often-stressful times. B.E.S.T. eliminates the root cause of disease and imbalance in the body gently and effectively by removing interference in the nervous system and throughout the body, so that the body-mind can function at its best.

To support you in feeling your best through the holidays and into the new year, we are offering a Healthy Holidays Special for existing patients of four sessions for $200. Sessions must be used by the end of January 2016. You will save $40 off our regular rates and help ensure that you keep getting the support you need through the holidays.

To schedule a session, call us at (530) 205-9037.
