The Secret of Health and the Law of Attraction



Since the “The Secret” (in movie and book form) has come out, there has been much talk about how easy it is to manifest what we want through simply visualizing and desiring it. It is not quite so simple. Have you ever wondered why “The Secret” hasn’t worked for you? Why, despite your best conscious efforts, you continue to attract less than vibrant health, happiness and success?

We live in a universe of energy in which everything has frequency or resonance. In general, high frequency equates with health and happiness, low frequency equates with disease and depression.

Our universe of energy operates through the Law of Attraction: like attracts like. Therefore, where we put our emphasis in life, what we focus on, creates what we attract to ourselves. Oddly, many people live as if there is a Law of Repulsion, i.e., they are continually pushing against and focusing on what they don’t want. First, focusing on what you don’t want attracts more of it, and the resulting resistance leads to exhaustion and disease.

Since we all combine both negative and positive frequencies, the key is to notice what is going on, and accept it as that which we have attracted to ourselves. Once we accept responsibility, without guilt and shame, we can begin to release our attachment and resistance to our negative patterns of attraction, and allow our lives to flow without interference. But this may be easier said than done.

Most of our limiting beliefs are established by the time we’re two years old, and become blocks of interference in our nervous system and subconscious energy field. We continually attract from this subconscious interference, despite our best conscious efforts. This is the Secret behind the Secret: unconscious beliefs interfere with conscious manifestation.

This unconscious interference to conscious desire is called SEMO, or Subconscious Emotional Memory Override. As long as these frozen blocks of interference remain in the realm of the subconscious, we will continue to attract from these unresolved thoughts, feelings, beliefs and memories—without even being aware that we are doing so!!

Fortunately, the Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique is a method of locating and removing SEMO where it is stored in the nervous system. Through the hands of the healer, who is able to locate and remove the blocks of interference through a gentle, non-invasive technique, we are freed of interference, and can begin to attract health and the kind of life we have always desired.

It is also possible—through certain lifestyle changes, such as incorporating The Six Essentials into your life, and being thankful and grateful for what we have, as well as for what we desire as if we already own it—to raise your energetic vibration. Now, the Law of Attraction will bring you more vibrant life experiences.

Once you have, through B.E.S.T. treatments, released the interference in the nervous system (SEMO), it will open the way to finally having the health, happiness and success you desire.