When mothers are provided with the care and tools they need before conception and during pregnancy, they are more likely to bring forth healthy, happy infants. These babies will grow up more healthy and free from the interferences in the nervous system that can produce ill health, stress and unhappiness later in life. Accordingly, Dr. Don likes to work with the mother before conception (or as soon as conception is known) and throughout her pregnancy: 1) to remove any interference in her subconscious mind which may be passed on to the fetus, 2) to teach her how to make the healthy, conscious choices help support a healthy happy child and a more positive experience of pregnancy.

For proper growth and development of the child in utero, two types of nourishment are vital: 1) high vibrational foods, and 2) high frequency thought-form energy.  Once conception has occurred, the infant subconscious mind begins organizing the matter of the forming body. It is important that the pure infant subconscious is kept as free as possible from persistent negative thought forms and beliefs, old wounds, old pain and ancestral patterns held within the maternal energy body and nervous system. This is why it is so important for the mother to get B.E.S.T. treatments and lifestyle coaching during her pregnancy.

Why is the subconscious mind so important? The subconscious mind is in charge of the growth, repair and development of the fetus; it holds the template for how the child will grow. Amazingly, the subconscious mind is fully formed at the moment of conception!   It is like clean, fertile soil; it will support the growth of any seeds we plant. It does not judge, evaluate or reason. The mother has a big role to play in choosing the seeds to plant for the new life forming within her.

Interferences in the fetal template are created through the pregnant mother’s improper choices in six essential areas: 1) what she eats, 2) what she drinks, 3) how she exercises, 4) how she rests, 5) what and how she breathes, and 6) what she thinks. Of all of these, thoughts and feelings have the most profound effect. The fetus will create its body and future life in either a positive energy field or a field filled with interferences created by prenatal influences and choices. Therefore, the key is to address the subconscious mind of the mother, clearing it of interference as much as possible. Now she can present a more clear energy field for her child’s growth and development.

Alkalizing the body is vital for creating a healthy pregnancy. The body functions and heals within an optimal pH range, in which cells are bathed in renewing oxygen, and waste is quickly disposed of. An acidic inner environment creates toxicity and insufficient oxygen for cell function which leads to an “emergency” response. This in turn adversely impacts the nervous system setting up irritation and inflammation. In such an environment, many dis-eases are possible. A state of emergency (fight or flight) blocks growth and healing, and produces a compromised physiological and energetic field in which the child is developing.

The Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique as practiced by Dr. Don is a gentle-touch method of identifying and removing interference from the nervous system and restoring it to full function and balance. Traumas, limiting thought-forms and beliefs that form crystallized energy blocks in the nervous system, are gently released. The flight or fight state is transformed, and new higher-vibration healing energy can flow in. The goal with B.E.S.T. is for both mother and child to thrive.


This simple, gentle and brief treatment, given as soon after birth as possible, helps your child reach his or her full potential. It removes subconscious interference at the highest level, and opens communication between the subconscious, the nervous system and the physical form. This allows the child to develop in the optimal fashion set up by the mother’s good self care while her baby was in her womb. Optimally, the mother will continue to bring herself and her baby in for adjustments as he or she grows and develops, ensuring the best possible start in life for the child and the continuing support and care every mother needs.

To set up an appointment, call Dr. Don at (530) 205-9037.