The human body is designed for peak performance of all systems and structures at a very specific range of acidity and alkalinity, which we call pH. pH is a scale of values from 0 to 14, 0 representing complete acidity, and 14 representing complete alkalinity. The ideal internal environment is slightly alkaline, a bit over 7, while the ideal digestive environment is acidic, necessary for the proper digestion of food.

Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors (diet, stress, lack of sleep, subconscious energy blocks), most people are over-acid. Over-acidity creates a pervasive condition of low-level inflammation which is a breeding ground for ill health in all its many forms.

Over-acidity can lead to conditions ranging from low immune response to an inability to lose weight. It will also lead to numerous serious and chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, fibromyalgia, heart disease and even cancer.

The optimal diet contains 75% alkaline ash-forming foods (fruits and vegetables) and 25% acid ash forming foods (meat and carbohydrates). Even within any given food type (such as vegetables), some foods such as raw spinach, beet greens, celery, dry figs and cabbage are strongly alkaline, while tomatoes, onions and green peas have very little alkaline ash-forming potential. Similarly, in the acid ash-forming category, scallops, lentils, sardines and oatmeal are strongly acidic and can seriously deplete your alkaline reserves. Corn, shrimp, eggs and lamb are relatively low in acidity. Your best bet is to refer to a list of Alkaline and Acid Ash-Forming Foods and plan your diet, choosing foods mainly from the top half of the Alkaline list and the bottom half of the Acid list. The optimal ratio of acid ash-forming to alkaline ash-forming foods results in a body that is vital and resistant to disease.

Another common cause of over-acidity is stress. Stress and negative thinking flood the body with acid-forming chemicals such as cortisol, adrenalin and insulin. These “flight or fight” chemicals can keep the body in a constant state of acidity, exhaust the adrenals and result in a plethora of immune and autoimmune conditions, including cancer. Positive thoughts and feelings such as love and gratitude create alkalizing chemicals for healing, enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

When discussing stress, it is important to talk about SEMO (Subconscious Emotional Memory Overload), a condition in which unresolved stress, memories and trauma create energy blocks in the nervous system. These will trigger or maintain an acid-producing condition of flight or fight, generated by the unconscious mind. When these interferences to healing are identified and removed, you are on your way to creating a more alkaline, healthy, happy body and spirit.

Since I began my practice in 1982, I have been constantly amazed at the impact the correct pH can have on a person’s health and happiness. What we eat, drink and breathe, how we exercise and rest, and, most important, how we think, all create our state of wellness and ability to withstand the stresses of ordinary life. I can help you to regain and maintain optimum Ph and a healthy happy lifestyle. To set up an appointment, call (530) 205-9037.