sleep well

What causes insomnia? Why can’t we fall asleep quickly and naturally? Why can’t we stay asleep? Why do we wake and not fall asleep again? What causes sleep apnea? To answer these questions we must explore the multi-dimensional purposes of sleep.

One purpose of a full night of deep, restful sleep is to provide a time out for the busy, thinking mind, and the awake and active body.  This time out allow the internal systems and structures of the body and nervous system to rest and repair.


During this deepy regenerative sleep period, brain waves are able to slow down to the healing and restorative Theta and Delta waves, with REM Sleep at the end of each of the five dreaming cycles characteristic of healthy, restorative sleep. REM sleep, characterized by rapid eye movement behind the dreaming eyelids, has been shown to be vital to mental health and physiological functioning.  In fact, psychosis is produced in experiments depriving humans and animals of dreaming REM sleep!

Additionally, without a daily opportunity to experience Theta and Delta waves, the body/mind becomes stressed from a constant state of Beta (flight or fight) waves. Restful, waking consciousness falls into the Alpha range of brain waves. Unfortunately, Beta is the most common in our contemporary culture, whether awake or asleep.

Another purpose of natural sleep is at these deep levels we return to Source, and much healing can occur on the cellular and subconscious levels during our Dream Time. Advanced spiritual practitioners can practice solitary or group lucid dreaming, where the practitioner(s) are awake, conscious and capable of voluntary action while dreaming. In some cultures healing ceremonies are conducted by Dreamers.

Are Sleeping and Resting and same? Paradoxically, we can be asleep, but not resting because our fearful, worried, stressed minds produce a superficial or fitful sleep. Likewise, certain drugs interfere with the natural sleep cycle and may even suppress REM and other regenerative activities. When we are truly resting, the mind is quiet and emptied of worry. If we can achieve the slower alpha brain waves while resting, conscious and empty of thought (a phenomenon known to experienced meditators), we will experience the restorative functions of sleep. Nothing can replace a full night of deep, restful, regenerative sleep. Truly MacBeth said that “sleep…knits up the raveled sleeve of care….”


The greatest enemy of sleep is an active, racing, worried, fearful, stressed out mind which keeps the muscles and internal organs of the body tense. This prevents the process which leads to natural sleep: relaxation of muscles and internal organs, slowing of the breath, quieting the mind as it turns inward towards dreaming and the Source.

Another barrier to sleep is SEMO (Subconscious Emotional Memory Override) in which unresolved, stressful and traumatic memories are stored in the nervous system and limbic brain as energy blocks, keeping us in a Beta State, preventing us from sinking into a deep, restful and restorative sleep, and the slow healing rhythms of Theta and Delta waves.

Amazingly fatigue can be a barrier to sleep, as when we feel “too tired to sleep”. This is because a certain amount of adrenal hormones are necessary for sleep! When a person reaches complete adrenal exhaustion, sleep is often impossible. Sleep apnea is often the end result of such fatigue that the breathing process is severely compromised. Overweight is often a factor as well.

Extreme or prolonged stress interferes with sleep. When the body is in “flight, fight or freeze” mode, it produces stress hormones such as cortisol, and cannot produce melatonin, DHEA and other hormones necessary to sleep. Frequent waking is often a sign of overactive (and therefore worn out adrenals).

Faulty digestion and improper diet can lead to sleep problems. A toxic, acidic body has trouble sleeping. The acidity irritates the nervous system, leading to muscle tension and mental over-activity—both enemies of sleep. A body deficient in magnesium, which is vital for muscle relaxation, will have trouble sleeping. Eating immediately before going to bed produces a body that is busy digesting when it should be sleeping.


1. Sufficient exercise tells the body that it needs to rest in order to incorporate the benefits of exercise, and to regenerate and repair the natural byproducts of exercise. An alkaline diet rich in magnesium produces a body with everything it needs to enjoy refreshing, regenerative sleep. 3. The correct sleeping surface, with a pillow that positions the neck for proper breathing is essential. 4. A dark room allows the pituitary and pineal glands to function properly and produce melatonin and other sleep hormones. A cycle of darkness after a cycle of light and activity most closely emulates the state of nature in which we evolved. The pineal gland needs this time of darkness to reset its internal clock for the production of many vital hormones in addition to melatonin.


Anyone sincerely interested in regaining the deep, regenerative, natural sleep that is their heritage, should study the Six Essentials. Dr. Don has produced an essay on the topic of the Essentials, which delves into the mysteries of correct dietary pH.

The Six Essentials can be considered the doorway to restoring natural sleep. The Six Essentials interact to create health and well being in every one of the body’s systems and structures. This will lead to the enjoyment, night after night, of deep, restful, regenerative and dreaming sleep—a nightly return of the Soul to Source for healing, growth and the Ultimate Refreshment.

To have a phone consult or schedule an appointment call Dr. Don at (530) 205-9037.



High blood pressure can be simply explained as a faulty “timing response”. High blood pressure is appropriate for an aerobic and stressful activity such as running from a saber tooth tiger, but is physiologically inappropriate for resting and most other current daily needs. In other words, the body has gotten stuck in a survival response, and is operating “out of present time” with regard to blood pressure.

When blood pressure remains elevated over a period of time, the heart, blood vessels and muscles become damaged. Secondary problems such as heart disease, heart attack, blood clots, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, stroke, poor circulation and varicose veins may develop. The kidneys are also affected by the impaired circulation. The relentless stress of being in “flight or fight” all the time will lead to adrenal and immune system exhaustion (which opens the door to a host of other diseases).

The problems begin with an inflammatory response in the arteries which roughens the walls and allows cholesterol to build up. This inflamed buildup is called plaque. When plaque blocks the arteries, the heart does not get sufficient blood (oxygen). If the blood is viscous from dehydration and a piece of plaque breaks free, it can float through the impaired arteries until it lodges and forms a clot. A clot in the brain results in a stroke. The inflammation resulting from toxicity and impaired circulation will in turn affect the liver, and varicose veins will result. Further, in a stress (survival) response, the body will constrict certain blood vessels, shunting blood away from the extremities, and concentrating all the available nutrition and oxygen in the core of the body.

With such a complex physiological genesis for high blood pressure and other circulatory disorders, the best approach is prevention. Here the Six Essentials and other lifestyle changes are of vital importance: alkalizing the diet to prevent systemic inflammation, sufficient water to keep the blood circulating easily and assist in elimination of toxins, exercise to promote good circulation, and the inclusion of certain supplements in the diet (lycopene, niacin, vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium are a few of importance).

However, the bottom line for healing high blood pressure is to reduce STRESS. This can be life stress from diet, lifestyle, or the environment, emotional stress from fear, anger and worry, or the complex stress of modern survival. The most significant stress of all is Subconscious Memory Override (SEMO), a condition in which subconscious thoughts and emotions create an energy block which is a constant stress for the body. The interference in the nervous system and limbic brain stands in the way of the body healing itself, even when we are doing all the “right” things.

It is vitally important to identify and remove this interference in order to restore healthy physiological functioning, i.e. reset the timing clock so that our body responds to what truly is the situation of the moment, not subconscious blockages from the past.

In all my years of practice, I have found the Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique to be the most powerful healing modality I can use directly on an individual to begin the exciting healing process of uncovering and removing interferences to health from the nervous system. I then guide patients through the Six Essentials so that they can live with optimum health.

To schedule a treatment or have a phone consultation call Dr. Don at (530) 205-9037.


Your choices matter! The choices you make now determine whether you follow a lifestyle that results in permanent good health or one that can lead to distress, illness, and pain. An unbalanced system can lead to disease.

  1. What you eat.

Your diet should consist of approximately 75% fruits and vegetables and 25% every thing else. This keeps your body alkaline (it’s natural state) instead of acidic. In this state your body is most able to heal from injury and disease.

  1. What you drink.

Avoid stimulants such as coffee and alcohol. Drink mostly diluted fruit juices, vegetable juices and pure water.


  1. How you exercise.

Get 180 minutes of whole body exercise weekly. This can be 60 minutes 3 times per week or 30 minutes 6 days per week. Help your body stay flexible. You’ll be surprised at how good it feels and how the tendency to suffer injuries is reduced.


  1. How you rest.

Good sleep every night (7-9 hours) is essential to your body’s ability to heal and recharge itself. Avoid stimulants and heavy meals before you go to sleep.


  1. What and how you breathe.

You should breathe from your abdomen, not raising and lowering your shoulders with each breath. Clean, smoke-free air is also essential to permanent good health. If you can smell the air you breathe, it is probably not healthy.


  1. What you think.

Choices in this area are more important than in all other areas combined! Negative thinking, judgment, indecisiveness, and worry all build up over time and wear your body down. Think about what you think about, and focus on more positive, loving thinking.


In an energetic universe, depression is a low vibration/low frequency experience. It is felt as low mental and physical vitality, loss of motivation, feeling “blue” and low in spirits. There is often a feeling of lack of connection, meaning and purpose in life. Unfortunately, the depressed person often does not have the energy or motivation to make healthy lifestyle choices, or even to seek healing. There is a tendency to isolate which helps to perpetuate this vicious cycle.

Sadly, depression and other mood disorders have become endemic in our society, with millions of sufferers taking anti-depressant and other mind-altering medications. Untold numbers of sufferers may not even be recognized as having depression or other affect disorders, but are defined as alcoholics or drug addicts. Often an addiction (such as being bulimic or a rage-a-holic) hides a deep underlying depression. Happily, there are natural solutions for depression and some other mood disorders such as anxiety and hypersensitivity.

Depression is both psychological and physiological. Unresolved trauma, buried in the subconscious, solidifies as limiting thoughts and beliefs. As negative thinking attracts more negativity, a chronic imbalance is created in the autonomic nervous system. Every cell of the body becomes bathed in “unhappy” biochemicals (cortisol), while “happy” biochemicals (endorphins) are suppressed. Depression is the last stop on a long bus ride of negative experiences, thoughts and feelings. When the person has no resource or resistance left, depression occurs.

Often it is when we are very young that certain experiences, thoughts and beliefs, are so overwhelming, that even the memories of these experiences are suppressed in the subconscious. The subconscious mind crystallizes this energetic material into energy blocks which it stores in the nervous system. These blocks prevent the body from experiencing its true nature of health and happiness.

It is possible through lifestyle choices (such as diligent application of the Six Essentials) to raise the body’s vibration and actually change its biochemistry.

The deeper cure is to identify and release the original negative material stored in the nervous system and the limbic brain as crystallized energy blocks, now buried under the depression. This means moving through layers of Subconscious Memory Override (SEMO), a condition so powerful it can nullify your sincere efforts to be happy, energetic and content. I have found the Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique, pioneered by Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr., to be amazingly effective in locating and gently removing these blocks. As layer upon layer of interference is removed from the nervous system, the individual begins to move up the ladder of healing.   There is indeed hope.

To schedule an appointment, call Dr. Don at (530) 205-9037.




When mothers are provided with the care and tools they need before conception and during pregnancy, they are more likely to bring forth healthy, happy infants. These babies will grow up more healthy and free from the interferences in the nervous system that can produce ill health, stress and unhappiness later in life. Accordingly, Dr. Don likes to work with the mother before conception (or as soon as conception is known) and throughout her pregnancy: 1) to remove any interference in her subconscious mind which may be passed on to the fetus, 2) to teach her how to make the healthy, conscious choices help support a healthy happy child and a more positive experience of pregnancy.

For proper growth and development of the child in utero, two types of nourishment are vital: 1) high vibrational foods, and 2) high frequency thought-form energy.  Once conception has occurred, the infant subconscious mind begins organizing the matter of the forming body. It is important that the pure infant subconscious is kept as free as possible from persistent negative thought forms and beliefs, old wounds, old pain and ancestral patterns held within the maternal energy body and nervous system. This is why it is so important for the mother to get B.E.S.T. treatments and lifestyle coaching during her pregnancy.

Why is the subconscious mind so important? The subconscious mind is in charge of the growth, repair and development of the fetus; it holds the template for how the child will grow. Amazingly, the subconscious mind is fully formed at the moment of conception!   It is like clean, fertile soil; it will support the growth of any seeds we plant. It does not judge, evaluate or reason. The mother has a big role to play in choosing the seeds to plant for the new life forming within her.

Interferences in the fetal template are created through the pregnant mother’s improper choices in six essential areas: 1) what she eats, 2) what she drinks, 3) how she exercises, 4) how she rests, 5) what and how she breathes, and 6) what she thinks. Of all of these, thoughts and feelings have the most profound effect. The fetus will create its body and future life in either a positive energy field or a field filled with interferences created by prenatal influences and choices. Therefore, the key is to address the subconscious mind of the mother, clearing it of interference as much as possible. Now she can present a more clear energy field for her child’s growth and development.

Alkalizing the body is vital for creating a healthy pregnancy. The body functions and heals within an optimal pH range, in which cells are bathed in renewing oxygen, and waste is quickly disposed of. An acidic inner environment creates toxicity and insufficient oxygen for cell function which leads to an “emergency” response. This in turn adversely impacts the nervous system setting up irritation and inflammation. In such an environment, many dis-eases are possible. A state of emergency (fight or flight) blocks growth and healing, and produces a compromised physiological and energetic field in which the child is developing.

The Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique as practiced by Dr. Don is a gentle-touch method of identifying and removing interference from the nervous system and restoring it to full function and balance. Traumas, limiting thought-forms and beliefs that form crystallized energy blocks in the nervous system, are gently released. The flight or fight state is transformed, and new higher-vibration healing energy can flow in. The goal with B.E.S.T. is for both mother and child to thrive.


This simple, gentle and brief treatment, given as soon after birth as possible, helps your child reach his or her full potential. It removes subconscious interference at the highest level, and opens communication between the subconscious, the nervous system and the physical form. This allows the child to develop in the optimal fashion set up by the mother’s good self care while her baby was in her womb. Optimally, the mother will continue to bring herself and her baby in for adjustments as he or she grows and develops, ensuring the best possible start in life for the child and the continuing support and care every mother needs.

To set up an appointment, call Dr. Don at (530) 205-9037.


The digestive system is vital to the proper functioning of every single system and structure of the human body.

The nervous system is responsible for directing each stage of digestion, absorption and elimination. As soon as the food enters the mouth, the nervous system triggers the production of digestive enzymes in the saliva—hence the importance of chewing each mouthful well so that the food can mix thoroughly with the saliva.

As the food moves through the digestive system, it is the nervous system that determines the proper sequence of secretions, from the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and the secretion of pancreatic and gallbladder enzymes into the small intestines, to the triggering of elimination at the end of the journey.

Of course, a proper alkalizing diet which supports healthy probiotic organisms in the intestines is very important. Without a healthy balance of the proper flora in the gut, the absorption of the proper nutrients through the villi of the small intestines cannot be accomplished, and toxicity occurs.

Most important of all, the nervous system must be clear of all interference to its delicate job of stimulating each digestive organ to function optimally. This is where SEMO (Subconscious Emotional Memory Override) comes into play. In this condition, unresolved thoughts, emotions, and memories from the past are stored as energy blocks or “interferences” in the nervous system. These blocks cause the nervous system to become stuck in “flight or fight” mode, creating a constant stress reaction in the body. The digestive system is particularly vulnerable to this “survival stress”, because the timing of its proper functioning is so delicate and intricate. I am sure we have all experienced how sensitive our digestion is to our emotions.

When SEMO is present, you can eat the perfect diet, but without strong, proper functioning of your digestive system, you will not absorb the full value of your food. You truly become what you absorb. When you do not absorb properly, you open the door to all sorts of digestive disorders—from food allergies to heartburn to irritable bowel to “leaky gut” syndrome and a host of other digestive complaints. And since the healthy functioning of the whole body depends on the digestion, you may well be opening the door to a myriad of other illnesses. A healthy digestive system is so important for the protection of the body’s overall vitality that it is called “the second immune system.”

Fortunately, there is a gentle, effective procedure for clearing SEMO—the nervous/emotional interferences which contribute to impaired digestive function. That procedure is called The Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique. In my over 30 years of practice I have seen digestive impairment respond amazingly well to B.E.S.T. treatments, coupled with improving the digestive process itself.

An important step in rebuilding a troubled digestive system is to bring the diet into an optimal pH (acid/alkaline) range for digestion, absorption and cell nutrition. Consumption of vital, living foods; the proper ratio of raw/cooked food; proper hydration; sufficient fiber; probiotic intake; the importance of trace minerals; supplementation when appropriate; the use of “power foods” such as sprouts and sea vegetables; juicing—all these practices will help build a vital digestive system. As part of my treatments I offer coaching on healthy diet and lifestyle practices and utilize BEST to clear interference from the nervous system.

So, before you pop another antacid, consider what is truly B.E.S.T. for you. To schedule an appointment, call Dr. Don at (530) 205-9037.


What is Consciousness? What is the Soul? What is Spirit? What do these metaphysical concepts have to do with health and healing?

Briefly, Consciousness is Awareness without the process of thinking. Spirit is All That Is: it is empty, yet full of information. The Soul is our individual container, expressing Spirit, or hijacked by Ego.

Conventional science and medicine view the body as pure matter, sheer physicality. The conventional viewpoint holds that the body is incapable of healing itself, and that healing is something external to the body, supplied as medication or surgery. The wholistic view of healing integrates Life Energy (bio-energy) into the equation. Bio-Energetics includes Consciousness, Spirit and Soul. Wholism knows that the body’s original design and purpose is to heal itself. The body responds to signals from the nervous system without thought or judgement. It always responds perfectly and will express the original blueprint or interference from unresolved issues from the past stored in memory, interfering with the body’s ability to self-repair and respond to the moment.

Mind is an energetic phenomenon, like the body, and uses the nervous system to sustain itself. Our conscious mind consists of thoughts, chatter, stories, reason and intellect. It supports the ego, the false self, and it is the gatekeeper to our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not judge, reason or evaluate. It simply runs the Body without our conscious knowing or will. It responds to feelings, pictures (stuck bits of memory, emotion and/or trauma). Out of this buried and forgotten material, the subconscious creates interference (frozen energy blocks) in the nervous system and limbic brain.

The unawakened ego (with its limiting thought forms and belief systems based on past trauma), creates judgments, which lead to an experience of separation. A feeling of separation from others and from All That Is, leads to an unrelenting fear.  Chronic fear, a constant state of flight or fight, leads to adrenal exhaustion. The outcome is illness — myriad forms of illness.

The body is run on automatic by the subconscious mind, which responds to thoughts (positive and negative) and feelings (such as fear or gratitude). It will store negative and traumatic memories (thought/feeling clusters) as crystallized interference or blocks in the nervous system and limbic brain. This process is called Subconscious Emotional Memory Override (SEMO). Once this interference has been set up, healing is severely limited despite your diligent efforts to improve your condition.

Fortunately, the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique is the perfect tool for locating and removing these energetic interferences, gently and easily. Once these energy blocks have been found and released, the subconscious can become a clear conduit of Spirit, and no longer interferes with the body’s ability to heal itself. Once we are clear, we can respond authentically to the moment without creating any new interference. The result is a vibrant, fulfilled life.

The key is to bring awareness to our habitual beliefs and thought forms. The blessing of awareness is that once we awaken in spirit, we become a vehicle of consciousness and Spirit, no longer creating from stored negative subconscious thoughts and feelings as ego.

At the deepest level, we all share the same goal or life purpose: to become fully present and aware in each moment. This is the deeper level of BEST treatment in Dr. Morter’s vision: to realign soul with spirit by removing the interference caused by unresolved traumas and dramas from the past stored in memory in our bodies.

To schedule a session, call Dr. Don Williams at (530) 205-9037.


Millions of people suffer from seasonal and chronic allergies. Some allergy symptoms are sinusitis, headaches, chronic infections, respiratory problems (coughing, sneezing, wheezing), sleeplessness, skin problems, digestive difficulties, joint pain, and numerous other allergic responses, including immune and auto-immune disorders.

The causes of allergies are numerous. The irritant may come from certain foods or drinks; environmental irritants (such as pollens, air and water pollutants, exhaust fumes, herbicides); domestic irritants (dust, dust mites, mold), animal dander; job-related irritants (paint and other chemical fumes, sawdust, solder); perfumes and other scented products whether artificial or natural; and a myriad of other potential irritants. In addition to the stress created by the irritant, the allergic response produces more stress for the sufferer. If the allergic condition is prolonged, the adrenals may become exhausted, and the body less able to “fight off” the allergy.

No matter what the apparent cause of the allergy, all allergies stem from the immune system’s excessive response to an ordinarily harmless stimulus. A fight or flight reaction is created, with the allergen perceived as an overwhelming threat, calling forth an overactive response.

Even emotions can trigger a fight or flight reaction, causing the adrenals to produces inflammatory byproducts such as cortisol and glucocorticoids which lead to the allergic response. In fight or flight mode, the digestion is compromised, and the adrenals are blocked from producing the antibodies called antihistamines (“histamine”=allergic inflammation).

One of the most mysterious causes of allergies is SEMO, or Subconscious Emotional Memory Override. Unresolved memories and emotions actually create energy blocks in the nervous system. These subconscious interferences to the body’s perfect response to the input of the moment, actually “highjack” the immune system into an inappropriate flight or fight reaction, creating an allergic reaction. Until this buried neurological material is identified and removed, it will continue to trigger the allergic response in the immune system, despite our efforts to control the allergen or medicate the symptoms. Fortunately, the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (BEST) is uniquely designed to locate and eliminate these subconscious energy blocks so that the body can operate at optimum health.

Preventively, it is clear that whatever we can do to create vigorous health will give our bodies more resistive force, the ability to respond to and neutralize what it perceives as a threat. Probiotics and supplements to assist digestion is one strategy. Paying attention to proper pH (acid/alkaline balance) is vital. An acidic system is already in a state of inflammation and much more vulnerable to allergy. Alkalization can put out the fires of inflammation.

Why are some people free from allergies, while others suffer? Why are some people allergy-free in youth, but develop problems later? Why do some children have allergies but grow out of them? We can find the answers to these questions in the baseline health (proper pH, attention to the 6 Essentials) of the individual plus the presence or absence of SEMO.

The important thing to remember is that you can be free from allergies, using the BEST system and the wholistic approach practiced by Dr. Don. To set up an appointment and start clearing up your symptoms now, call Dr. Don at (530) 205-9037.

To read more articles to support your health, “like” my facebook page.



lemon, carrot, tomato, beet juices


The human body is designed for peak performance of all systems and structures at a very specific range of acidity and alkalinity, which we call pH. pH is a scale of values from 0 to 14, 0 representing complete acidity, and 14 representing complete alkalinity. The ideal internal environment is slightly alkaline, a bit over 7, while the ideal digestive environment is acidic, necessary for the proper digestion of food.

Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors (diet, stress, lack of sleep, subconscious energy blocks), most people are over-acid. Over-acidity creates a pervasive condition of low-level inflammation which is a breeding ground for ill health in all its many forms.

Over-acidity can lead to conditions ranging from low immune response to an inability to lose weight. It will also lead to numerous serious and chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, fibromyalgia, heart disease and even cancer.

The optimal diet contains 75% alkaline ash-forming foods (fruits and vegetables) and 25% acid ash forming foods (meat and carbohydrates). Even within any given food type (such as vegetables), some foods such as raw spinach, beet greens, celery, dry figs and cabbage are strongly alkaline, while tomatoes, onions and green peas have very little alkaline ash-forming potential. Similarly, in the acid ash-forming category, scallops, lentils, sardines and oatmeal are strongly acidic and can seriously deplete your alkaline reserves. Corn, shrimp, eggs and lamb are relatively low in acidity. Your best bet is to refer to a list of Alkaline and Acid Ash-Forming Foods and plan your diet, choosing foods mainly from the top half of the Alkaline list and the bottom half of the Acid list. The optimal ratio of acid ash-forming to alkaline ash-forming foods results in a body that is vital and resistant to disease.

Another common cause of over-acidity is stress. Stress and negative thinking flood the body with acid-forming chemicals such as cortisol, adrenalin and insulin. These “flight or fight” chemicals can keep the body in a constant state of acidity, exhaust the adrenals and result in a plethora of immune and autoimmune conditions, including cancer. Positive thoughts and feelings such as love and gratitude create alkalizing chemicals for healing, enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

When discussing stress, it is important to talk about SEMO (Subconscious Emotional Memory Overload), a condition in which unresolved stress, memories and trauma create energy blocks in the nervous system. These will trigger or maintain an acid-producing condition of flight or fight, generated by the unconscious mind. When these interferences to healing are identified and removed, you are on your way to creating a more alkaline, healthy, happy body and spirit.

Since I began my practice in 1982, I have been constantly amazed at the impact the correct pH can have on a person’s health and happiness. What we eat, drink and breathe, how we exercise and rest, and, most important, how we think, all create our state of wellness and ability to withstand the stresses of ordinary life. I can help you to regain and maintain optimum Ph and a healthy happy lifestyle. To set up an appointment, call (530) 205-9037.